Posts Tagged ‘Lynn Rival’s voyages’

Just found the Chandlers website…

Saturday, November 21st, 2009
Paul and Rachel Chandlers Website outlining the voyage on their boat "Lynn Rival"

Paul and Rachel Chandlers Website outlining the voyage on their boat "Lynn Rival"

I just found the Chandlers website that is/was documenting their journey.   Their last entry was “PLEASE RING SARAH” posted on Friday October 23, 2009.   According to reports, this would have been 1 day after the capture.

I haven’t read through the whole site yet, however it appears that all was well until the last post.
With the last message in all CAPs making reference to “Sarah”, I would assume that the Chandlers may have access to a satellite phone and were reaching out for help.

Sarah, if there is anything I, or this site, can do right now, please contact me at [email protected] As I’ve been mentioning, my goal is to help people like the Chandlers in coming to a resolution of this matter through the power of the internet.