Archive for the ‘General Thoughts’ Category


Sunday, November 14th, 2010

For the past 388 days, Paul and Rachel Chandler have been held captive when their sailboat was hijacked by Somali Pirates in the Indian Ocean. Almost a month after they were kidnapped, I was informed of their plight as I watched the evening news. While the TV is often filled with horrible stories, this one seemed to stand out among the crowd. I guess seeing a video of two innocent people being held at gun point really moved me!

Sometimes a person gets so inspired that they join a worthy cause so they can “make a difference”. I felt compelled to help these two unfortunate people, but had absolutely no idea how. After all, I did’t know them, didn’t know their family or friends, didn’t have any contacts in their homeland of England and certainly didn’t have any knowledge of Somalia or even pirates. Not to mention, Im also almost 10,000 miles away. So, I thought, how could one person from California possibly help?

A few months before this happened, I had read an article about the rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips. After a 5 day stand off with Somali pirates, the captain and his crew, along with their cargo ship, were freed with the help of the U.S. Navy. I figured if I attracted the attention of the right people, this too could be resolved quickly. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to use the power of the internet to raise awareness so people with more power than me would feel compelled to step in and offer assistance.

Shortly after I set up this site, more news surfaced about the Chandlers. There were articles about physical abuse and possible executions if demands weren’t immediately met. Amidst all the reports, different figures were published as to the amount of the ransom being requested by the pirates. As I was posting these news articles, the site gained in popularity and attracted more attention that I had anticipated.

On quite a few occasions, I fielded emails from both soldier-of-fortune wannabes and legitimate organizations that were actually qualified to help, albeit for a hefty daily fee. I was also contacted by quite a few people asking the same question, “What can I do to help?”. While it looked like my idea of raising awareness had worked, I began to notice something else which was rather disturbing. It appeared that the pirates were trying to use the media to help increase the Chandlers’ “value” and in turn the amount of their ransom demand. When I discovered this, I realized that posting all the news that was floating around the internet wasn’t such a good idea. I was also convinced, by some well known organizations who deal with this type of activity all the time, that I should be very careful about what I say. After all, the last thing I wanted to do was is to make matters worse so I took some of their advice.

Well, its been 388 days and Im pleased to say:


Im sure Paul & Rachel, their family and the viewers of this site are also excited to hear this news! I wish the Chandlers a very happy homecoming and hope they can resume their lives quickly.

For those of you that were also compelled to offer your support through private emails and contributions, THANK YOU! As for the money this site raised, while it was an extremely small amount, it was still successfully used as it was to be intended.

As for who I am now that this is finally over, well, lets just say that Im just an average guy named Scott from California who has learned quite a bit during this journey! I’ve met amazing people along the way and have been enlightened by some of the injustice that occurs outside my countries borders. And, when all that can be revealed is published, I hope that my efforts did more good than harm at helping 2 strangers Ive never met secure their freedom.

Money Back Guarantee for the release of British Sailors!

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Money_Back_Guarantee2While I know Im not the first to create a website to help innocent people escape imprisonment,  Im pretty sure this is the first time that anyone has ever offered a Money Back Guarantee!

Paul and Rachel Chandler were captured by Somali Pirates almost 100 days ago.  They are being held captive in exchange for $7 million US dollars.   However, its been reported that the pirates would be willing to ’settle’ with approximately $100,000.

This site has been created not to argue the merits of hostage negotiations nor figure out a solution to end the piracy problem.  It was created with the sole purpose of obtaining freedom for Paul and Rachel Chandler!

My commitment is to create a vehicle where by people can donate for the cause.  Im also committed to helping facilitate the exchange – money for the Chandlers.   If by any reason, the money raised by this site is NOT used towards the ransom of the Chandlers, then I WILL offer the donors an option of full MONEY BACK or they can have me direct the funds to the family on their behalf.

As stated in the “about” section of this site, my goal is not to make money from this tragic event.  As a matter of fact, I have already put several hundred dollars and a LOT of hours into this with my only goal of seeing these two innocent people escape their captors.

Now you can help a cause AND have a Money Back Guarantee!

Solution for the release of British sailing couple

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Paul and Rachel Chandler, the British sailing couple taken hostage by Somali pirates in October, are approaching their 100th day in captivity.   Repeated efforts have proven unsuccessful in negotiating their release. was created in an attempt to raise both awareness and money to help gain the Chandlers freedom.  Via many emails from concerned citizens and heavy web traffic, it appears that more people are following as this tragic event unfolds.  However, Im sad to say that we have only raised a little over $100. If each viewer would have donated $10, I wouldn’t be writing this post right now!

We all have our opinions as to how to “handle” this situation.  Some believe that negotiations with pirates only encourages more kidnappings.  Others feel that we should give the money and help Paul and Rachel resume their peaceful lives.

Regardless of your personal and political beliefs around this matter, it appears we may be coming up against a deadline for action.   Considering the latest news obtained from telephone conversations with the Chandlers, the time to act is now!

Here are the facts:

Thanks to the valiant efforts of the Merchant Maritime Warfare Center (MMWC) and its chairman Nick Davis, they raised $100,000 which the pirates agreed would be enough to free them.

Unfortunately, the UK Government intervened and blocked the transaction so they could not make the exchange.

What I propose:

Since it appears that there IS money available and the only thing preventing their freedom is the UK Government, I propose a way in which the government does not have to be involved in the exchange!

The internet is a wonderful tool and should be used in this case as well!  By using a method of money transfer such as PayPal or even wire transfer to an account, we could effectively give the pirates the previously agreed upon sum of $100,000 US.    All they need to do is set up an account in their country and we can transfer the funds.

This can be performed in 2 stages so both parties will feel protected.  I suggest that we transfer $50,000 UPON Rachel Chadlers SAFE release and confirmed passage back to the UK.  When she is free, we will give them the money as a way of showing that we are willing to complete the exchange.  The pirates will still have Paul as collateral that we will perform our part.

After her exchange, the pirates should be able to see that we are willing to work with them and eager to exchange Paul for the remaining $50,000, also for his safe and confirmed release.

If you are someone who can represent the pirates, I suggest you contact me.

If you are a member of the MMWC and still have access to the funds, I suggest you contact me.

If you are a concerned citizen who wants to help (either through money or other support), I suggest you contact me!

Once again, my goal is not to challenge the pros and cons of hostage negotiations, its merely to see that Paul and Rachel have a chance to live out their natural lives!

What would you do?

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

SaveTheChandlers-Protest-smIf the Chandlers were your relatives, what would you do to get them out before Christmas?

Feel free to post your reply in the form of a comment to this article!

FaceBook is getting involved

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Facebook-GroupLast night, while I was working on this site, there were 60 – 70 members of the group “Free Paul and Rachel Chandler“, now there are 117 and it appears to be growing as I type this.  I have intentionally left my name off this site because I dont want any credit for this, however I will also be contributing to the FaceBook group as well and my information should be available for people to see.

My goal is to somehow raise the funds or interest in people that could help.  I firmly believe with the power of the internet, WE can make this happen!

This world is really making me ill!

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Friday 11:54pm, November 20 2009:

I just heard on the TV that there are 2 sailors who where captured this last month by pirates.  According to the Associated Press, Paul and Rachel Chander were kidnapped when the pirates seized their 38-foot yacht, the Lynn Rival, while they were sailing towards Tanzania.

$7,000,000.00  (Seven Million) dollars are being requested for their release and much like our government, Britain insists they will not pay ransom to the kidnappers.  Im not suggesting that we either raise the money and find a way to give it to them, or use the funds to hire a negotiating team to see if they can talk with the pirates.

Either way I think that something should be done to help them!
As Im sitting here working on this blog, Im going to find a way to accept funds via a Google checkout or PayPal.   ABSOLUTELY ALL FUNDS WILL GO TO HELP THEM! I repeat, I dont wany ANYTHING from this site other than to help Paul and Rachel Chander return to their family!

I just found this article on Google at:   Google link

Take a look at that article so you can see for yourself and PLEASE COME BACK and help once I get the donation system set up.   I will keep you posted as I hear more news.

(Any correspondence can be sent to me at [email protected] )