Now reporting amounts donated on

Based on web traffic, there may be a chance that the pirates are looking at this site.  While we havent reached the goal of $100,000 yet, I feel its important for them to see that progress is being made to collect the amount.

From here on forward, I will be updating the amount you see on the right hand side of the page as donations arrive.

I am hoping that this will give the pirates some assurance that someone else is trying to raise the money who is not bound by British Government rules.

If the government can’t make this happen, then the people will!

3 Responses to “Now reporting amounts donated on”

  1. hazel says:

    you might have more luck if you added paypal as an option for payment ,makes me sick government wont pay when they paid all that out for the banks etc they could pay the ransom and then storm in when they have been released

  2. admin says:

    PayPal is on here as a form of payment. Its on the front page of the site.

  3. Jonathan says:

    Can you add just a partition button, lets get 1000’s signiture’s get the message out there about these poor (brave) people.
    Once more people now about the web site then the main stream media will start high lighting the position.
    POOR POOR PEOPLE lets get them out NOW

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